Improving Futures through Counseling, Guardian ad Litem, Collaborative Divorce Coaching, Co-Parenting Coaching and Consultation,
Hague accredited adoption home studies, Supervision, and Training.
Jeff Levy has been located in Saco, Maine since 2001
I opened my practice in 2001, specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression. I will work with children over age 10, adolescents and adults. I’ll work with individuals, couples and families. I believe that therapists are like shoes…some fit and some don’t, and sometimes it could be the right shoe for the wrong occasion. I appreciate your interest, and would like to meet to determine if our therapeutic relationship is a comfortable fit.
For those highly conflicted, separated families who feel that their struggles have had a harmful effect on their children, I offer Co-Parent Coaching and Consultation, helping parents learn to improve communication and decision making that benefit their children. Also, I offer a Child Focused Therapy Model (CFT) which works to minimize the hurt experienced by children. The model has two primary goals: 1) To improve the quality of the relationship between the child and both parents and 2) Reduce anxiety for the child associated with having two households.
Whether you are in need of Counseling Services for yourself or your family, a Guardian ad Litem, Collaborative Divorce Coach, or you are a clinician interested in supervision or training to help you more effectively work with separated families in conflict, or in need of a Hague Accredited Adoption Home Study, you can count on my many years of experience to gain competent, professional services.
Services Offered

- Counseling
- Guardian Ad Litem
- Collaborative Divorce Coach
- Seminars & Workshops
- High Conflict Separated Family Counseling (HCSF)
- Supervision
- Hague Accredited Adoption Home Studies